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*./hear me speak.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Nothing interesting... :P

Ladies, gentlemen, aliens and readers of this humble blog, I present to you The Neo Theory, not really carefully thought out after days and months and years of thinking and observing.

The Neo Theory is as follows:
"Boys are better at MCQs, girls are better at structured questions."

We'll look at the first part. Boys are better at MCQs. Recall back to secondary school days, who always topped the class in MCQ papers ? A guy ! Always a guy ! Guy Guy GUY !!! Never a girl !!! A current female classmate at school has told me that she doesn't like doing MCQs. Why ? Simply because girls can't make a decision.

Let's use a maths test as an example. A girl and guy are faced with this question.

2 + 2 = ?

Choice= 3, 4, ,5 or 6

What is typically running through a girl's mind is this.
'Okay...6 is out''Hmm...I think the answer is 4'
'But wait! 3 seems close!
'5 could be correct too! Very close too!''Which one?!'
'I'll put down 4 first'
'No! 3 seems more correct!'

And after much deliberation, the girl will probably end up picking some weird answer like 5 or 6 when she had the correct answer at first.

A guy will think like that.

'dunno. tikam.'
'eeeeny meeeny miny MO! okay 4 it is then.'

A guy does not really have 'study' in his dictionary. He has 'sit down and stare at paper and think about football' but no 'study'. So when the test comes he either picks randomly or chooses anything that looks remotely like an answer. He doesn't deliberate too much and is very happy to have just answered the question, whether or not the answer was correct or wrong.


Let's apply this concept of girls being weaker at MCQs to shopping now.Girl walks into store. Girl sees something she likes. Girl has these options

don't buy!
got sale! 50% off!
no sale! should i wait for sale?
buy more can get some card!
ask my good friend Mary for advice!
go toilet first then come back think
ASK A GUY! Ask him and then scold him anyway whether it helps or not!

Guy walks into store. Guy sees something he likes. Guy has these options
Or not to Buy ?

Here probability comes in and n(Girls)= 10 while n(Boys)= 2 where probability of success (p) must be equal to 1 and is not biased or does not take in any other factor or variable; and is non-cumulative too. Hence using the BINOMDIST function in Microsoft Excel where we enter the values as =BINOMDIST(1,1,1/10,FALSE) the probability of girls picking a correct answer is 0.1. In the case of guys, n=2 where the function will be entered as =BINOMDIST(1,1,1/2,FALSE) and the result as such is 0.5.

Therefore, if you couldn't understand the whole chunk of rubbish text I have written above, it simply means girls have a 10% success of picking the correct answer when dealing with MCQ questions while guys have a 50% chance of picking the correct answer.


Right then, the 2nd part of The Neo Theory clearly states that 'girls are better at structured questions'. Which is true really. Ask a guy where to eat and he will reply 'dunno'. Ask a girl and she will reply 'let's go here and here, or let's try there, the meals are cheap and good and i want to try out that new dish...'. Let's apply this to something like 2 + 2.

Why is 2 + 2 = 4? (10 marks)

Girls will answer something like:
The equation 2 + 2 is equal to 4 because as predetermined by the ancient Greeks who invented numerals and counting, the initial 'one' was designated to a single object. 'two' was designated when they saw two similar things together. 'three' was when they saw three and so on. addition was discovered by some greek fella who had too much time yadayadayadayada and that is why 2 + 2 equals to 4 when a single object is seen with another single obejct and both have similar charateristics and they are encountered with another 2 objects with the same events occuring in this case.

Guys will answer something like:
ERROR. Unable to generate answer due to gateway timeout system error Code 401. or something like that.


In conclusion, girls are better at arguing. Girls demand explanations for lots of things. Everything must know why. Girls are more meticulous and careful when doing things. Girls are more serious when doing work. Which is why girls tend to score better at structured questions. This can also be their downfall. When it comes to MCQs, there's no place for arguing. It's this or nothing. Guys usually are more decisive but don't put a lot of thought into their decisions.

Thank you for reading my rubbish explanations, take a look at my flawed theory again, and I hope you'll understand it and see how it can be applied to certain aspects of life.

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Haha...Went to watch movie with my friend at Causeway Point...Went to catch The Maid...Okie lah...Not that scary only the sound effects are scaring your guts out...Haha... :P Before that went to library to study...Reached home quite early and prepare my dinner before blogging this entry...Haha...Had mee for dinner juz now...Hai...Saw so many couples holding hands, kissing, hugging...Hai...Felt so sad sia...Dun have gf mah...LOL... :P Anyway the gal I like nobody will know who de coz I am planning to keep it myself...Haha...Also dun know why and even she got a bf or she happen to like someone, I will still like her de...Haha...As long she happy can liao... :P

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Haha..Last day of school for this week...Finally can reallie enjoy my weekends more than ever since my FYP for this semester is over liao...Haha....Furthermore I juz realized that my classmates had told me that I had scored an A for my 4th and last Economics test I took somewhere two weeks ago and a B+ for my 3rd programming test...Haha...Wah...Felt so shiok sia !!! LOL... :P Played Football Manager in class todae...Haha...So slack sia...Think I am in my holidae mood liao...Who cares ? This semester is coming to an end next Friday liao...Going to enjoy myself veri much liao...Haha... :P Yea !!! Nothing muc to write todae coz I am already starting to slack like nobody cares liao...Haha...Orh no !!! Bad Bad...Haha...Happen to like this gal but should I tell her mah ? Hmm..Better not bah !!! Juz managed to reformat my PC to remove all those irriating and stupid spywares from my PC...All running in background...Aiyoz...U STUPID SPYWARES U THINK I AM STUPID ARH ? Haha...I AM A COM FREAK !!! :P

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Finally it is over...No more FYP for this semester liao and now can reallie enjoy my holidae 2 weeks from now..LOL.. :P Had my team FYP presenation at 1.00 p.m. and each team are supposed to have an hour to present but coz the scale that the project we are taking we have to use 2 hours to present...Haha...Not much questions from the evaluators and they seems to be very pleased with our work and they told us we can get a mininum grade of B...Haha...So happy liao :P Seems that our past 4 months of hard work, effort, determination, will and preseverance have paid off...LOL... :P Going to Sentosa this Sunday and can get a chance to get tanned liao...Yea !!! No more FYP Project for this semester liao...Onli left 1 for the next semester so now can slack all the way...Think can slack for 1 month before doing my next FYP project... :P

Hai...Still have school the next day...So sian and somemore is Economics...Kao...Still feeling tired after yesterdae's Captain's Ball compeition...Haha...Both of my legs are hurting...Maybe I was jumpng too high and too much bah..Was playing as a defender coz of my heights and my long hands...Haha...the first round the opponent's team was struggling to break through the defense...Haha...But lost the next match and cannot qualify for the next round...Hai...Was so pissed off with the team played at the 2nd match coz they dun have sportsmanship...WHY ? Coz their attackers kept pushing me so as to disallow me to catch the ball...Wah lah...Unfair lor...Somemore the referee did not do anything...Kao...Wat kind of referee are you ? DO U HAVE EYES TO SEE ? GO HOME FLY KITE LOR...The opponents' supporters still have the cheek to tell me push them back lor...Wah lah...So angry and frustrated with them...But I did not do anything juz show my black face of mine to them...So CB lor...Hope you all knows what that means...

*Seems that my PC has been infected with spywares...NO !!! GET OUT FROM MY SYSTEM YOU STUPID AND IRRIATING SPYWARE....Haha... :P

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Haha...Went to school yesterdae then watched move halfway the lesson with my classmates at Tiong Bahru Plaza... :P Watched Land of The Dead with them...Not bad but just that dun have opening and ending stories...So quite a bad storyline...Might give them 3 out of 5 for rating... Had breakfast at the nearby foodcourt and after the breakfast then watched movie...So power sia !!! Haha.. :P Yesterdae I was slacking in the class and luckily the lesson on Business Statistics was easy to do if not I sure got lost when the lecturer was toking to us..LOL... :P Whole day was just slacking and kindda went home late last nite coz have to stay back in school after class to prepare this Thursday's FYP presentation...Hai...Have to wear formal attire...Kao...Tie and long sleeved t-shirt...Dunno what to wear sia and have to choose the colour somemore...Wah lah !!!

For todae's lesson on Java Programming I am still slacking sia...Never go out but stay in class and played this PC game called Football Manager 2005 on my lappy...Yeah !!! LOL... :P Maybe going to introduce this game to Olivia since she luved soccer so much...Haha... :P Played for onli 6 matches and I already won 5 matches and draw one match...The highest score my team have was 9-1 when my team, Chelsea, trashed this Spanish team...End of 1st half was already 5-0 lor...Confirm win liao... :P I am such a pro !!! BHB rite ? Haha.. Yea... :P

Supposed to play soccer with my classmates in school but because of heavy downpour have no choice but to stay in class...Hai...Seems that I am slacking in class since yesterdae...Hai...Is it because next week is last week of school before the one month school semester break ? Hmm... :P Have to stay back after school todae to prepare and tuning my team's FYP presentation...Even now I am in school blogging this entry...Muhahaha... :P

* 2 more days to the presentation...Feeling nervous and anxious at the same time... :P

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Went to NUS for IT compeition yesterdae and later went to watch Valiant the movie with my buddy at Cinelesuire...Haha... :P SO kindda went home late last nite and maanged to be in bed around 2.oo plus this morning and woke up around 11.00 plus in the morning...Close to noon liao...Haha...Hai...Todae no dragon-boat traning because of the wet weather...Hai... Stayed at home the whole day to play computer games...Haha...So shiok sia !!! Onli went out in the afternoon to trim my hair @ STORM... :P Costed me $18...So bo liao at home so went to count the number of games I have at home...

Full Spectrum Warrior (1)
Axies & Allies (1)
Command & Conquer Generals (1)
Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour (1)
Black Hawk Down (1)
Amercian Conquest (1)
FIFA 2002 (1)
FIFA 2003 (1)
FIFA 2004 (1)
Battlefield 1942 (1)
Rainbow 6 (Got 3 different versions) (3)
Tom Clancy Ghost Recon (Got 3 different versions) (3)
Starcraft (Got 2 different versions) (2)
Conflict Desert Storm (1)
SWAT 4 (1)
Pacific Heros (1)

In total I have 21 PC games installed in my PC...Haha...Power rite ? Anyone wanna to buy another PC games from me ? :P Going to buy 2 more games to my collection...Haha... :P 2 more weeks then school holidaes liao...So shiok wor !!!

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Rained todae so sian lor...Haha...Made me wanna to sleep in school wor but in the end never...Haha... :P Had Business Finance for todae's lesson and todae was my first lesson that I attended since last week 3 days NDP holidaes... :P Have to rush to do complete my FYP report mah so went to school but never went to attend classes...Was in the school library all the while...Power rite ? Haha... :P Todae's lesson studied about EVA...Quite easy to understand...Juz need to know how to calcuate, the theory and its concepts can liao...So easy wor !!! Somemore todae attended this talk by NTU...Was about their degree and honours programme being offered by the school and the speaker was so funny coz he talked like William Hung sia...This speaker is from Hong Kong so maybe his tone sounded like it bah...But it was reallie veri funny and all my classmates and I were laughing throughtout the talk...Sadist rite ?

Tomorrow still got Economics test in the afternoon and in addition still have Econmoics lesson before the test... Stress sia !!! Haha....Think going to IMH in no time...YEA !!! Lame !!! Happened to write this emaul that my friend sent to me...Veri lame...Let me tell you how lame can it gets...Got 3 stories wor !!! :P

1). Three women are sitting in a doctors office waiting for their pregnancy test results. The Brunette says, "If I'm pregnant it will be a girl because I was on the bottom." The red head replies,"If I'm pregnant I will have a boy because I was on top." The Blonde stops, thinks a minute and and says, "Then I'm gonna have puppies !"A blonde walks into a doctor's office. She gets in the room with the doctor and says, "Doc, I hurt all over." The doctor is really confused. He says, "What do you mean, you hurt all over?" The blonde says, "I'll show you."She then touches herself on her leg. "OW!!! I hurt there." Then she touches her earlobe. "OW!!!!!! I hurt there too!" Then she touches her hair. "OW!!!!! EVEN MY HAIR HURTS!" So the doctor sits back and thinks on it for 5 min. Then he says, "Tell me, is blonde your natural hair color?" The blonde says "Yes, why?"The doctor says, "Well, you got a broken finger..."

2). A blonde and a lawyer are seated next to each other on a flight from LA to NY. The lawyer asks if she would like to play a fun game? The blonde, tired, just wants to take a nap, politely declines and rolls over to the window to catch a few winks. The lawyer persists and explains that the game is easy and a lot of fun. He explains, "I ask you a question, and if you don't know the answer, you pay me $5.00, and vice versa. " Again, she declines and tries to get some sleep. The lawyer, now agitated, says, "Okay, if you don't know the answer you pay me $5.00, and if I don't know the answer, I will pay you $500.00." This catches the blonde's attention and, figuring there will be no end to this torment unless she plays, agrees to the game. The lawyer asks the first question. "What's the distance from the earth to the moon?" The blonde doesn't say a word, reaches into her purse, pulls out a $5.00 bill and hands it to the lawyer.

"Okay" says the lawyer, "your turn." She asks the lawyer, "What goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four legs?" The lawyer, puzzled, takes out his laptop computer and searches all his references, no answer. He taps into the air phone with his modem and searches the net and the library of congress, no answer.Frustrated, he sends e-mails to all his friends and coworkers, to no avail. After an hour, he wakes the blonde, and hands her $500.00. The blonde says, "Thank you," and turns back to get some more sleep. The lawyer, who is more than a little miffed, wakes the blonde and asks, "Well, what's the answer?" Without a word, the blonde reaches into her purse, hands the lawyer $5.00, and goes back to sleep. And you thought blondes were dumb.

3). There was a married blonde who was very concerned about her stupidity to her husband, so she decides to make it up to him by painting the house while he's at work.When her husband came home, the house was suspiciously green and smelled like paint, so he went to her wife to see what's going on. When he went in the bedroom, she was still painting while she was wearing a ski jacket over a leather jacket. The husband said "I like what you did to the house, but why are you wearing a ski jacket over a leather jacket?" The blonde responds "When I was reading the instructions on the can, it said 'FOR BEST RESULTS, USE TWO COATS!'"

*Going to have a mouth-filling dinner later..Yum Yum !!! YEA !!!

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

So happy todae coz I have already submitted my team FYP report at 5.00 p.m...Haha... :P After 4 months of programming and do the application especially with the last few nites rushing to do the report now my burden was gone...LOL... :P Now can reallie enjoy myself...Definately will be going out this weekend to enjoy and unstress myself...Haha...Think will sleep veri well tonite...No more late nites for me to rush the report and I think among my classmates, my team have the most pages coz half of it was programming codes and the marker will have a siffculty time to read the codes line by line sia !!! Haha...Happy reading... 596 pages of report...Enjoy wor !!! Being sadistic here...LOL.. :P Lame rite ? Say yea !! YEA !!!

Next when I go to school this morning happened to bump into one of my lecturers and she told me that round 3 of the NUS Computron is this coming Saturday...Kao...Though can enjoy but never mind the compeition is in the morning so still can go out after that in the afternoon, evening and nite time...LOL... :P This Friday still got the 3rd or 4th UT test and I have decided not to study for it becoz I wanna to enjoy myself for the next few days...The FYP has already took half of my energy and my brain cells to waste...So need time to recharge...Haha... Getting lame again...I SIAO LIAO ARH ? After my FYP I think I went mad...Haha But who cares sia ? Nah !!! Sure go mad for the next few days...

Maybe sure go and watch a few movies to pamper myself before this Saturday's round 3 IT compeition...Haha...Anyone cares to come with me to watch mah ? I dun mind...Go and eat also can...Muz reallie enjoy myself... :P Juz had my dinner...Had a bowl of fried hokkien mee, a roll of popiah, two pears and ice cream for dinner !! YUM YUM !!! Veri delicious !!!

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Hai...Still doing my FYP report as usual...Haha...Juz a quick update about the progress that my team have accomplished so far...We have done much of the sections required for the report and the report currently have a total of 544 pages and COUNTING... :P Still have the user doucmentation to complete tomorrow morning...And a few small sections to write up such as learning reflection, experience stuff like that...Yea...Why does my report have 544 pages ? Okie... Let me tell you people coz my project source codes have took about 400 over pages and the rest are the write ups...Power rite...400 over pages of programming codes...I think the reader who read who die on the spot sia...Haha...My team is doing an online betting TOTO so have many functions we need to think of from the users and the administrators' point of views...LOL... :P

Juz stayed in the library the whole day to do the report again...Just like yesterdae...Going to have the same routine for tomorrow as all third year students have to submit their application, report and their project source code by tomorrow evening at 5.00 p.m...Even now I am still doing the report at home...My team haven't got a good sleep since last week...Hai...Somemore this morning have to sit for my Business Statistics test at 8.30 a.m. in school...The test was so difficult and I can see that most of my classmates dun know how to do sia from their facial expressions...Haha... :P Even I did not studied for this coming test...Got this stupid and irritating report to write on...Where got the extra time to study for test liao ? Kao... :P

Going to go crazy in no time liao...Haha...Can any kind soul out there give a call to IMH ? Please ? Haha... Really appericated it !!! LOL... :P

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Hai...Still doing my FYP report...Has been doing it since last week...Now my report have 57 pages and counting...Still have a few more areas to write...This report consists of the program report, documentation, screen design and blah blah...Just like a normal industry report if you working as a programmer outside in the working world. Kao...Luckily my team has started to do since last week liao...If not my team would not be sleeping for next few nites liao...Muz reallie work hard just to catch up...Haha... :P Can see most of my classmates veri working hard to write this report...Somemore all of us or should I say most of us did not attended classes since last week becasue of this FYP report submission this coming Wednesday...LOl... :P

What to do ? This is more important than anything right now !!! Muz reallie put in our 101% effort into it...Haha... :P Again, did not attended classes todae as usual...Went to the school library instead since 9.00 a.m. and been doing this report with my teammates since then...Even now I am still now in school library and the time is 7.50 p.m....Power rite ? Of course I took my lunch lah if not I sure straved to death by now !!! Haha... :P Going to skip tomorrow's classes just for the sake of this FYP report...But going to sit tomorrow Business Statistics test before going to the library again to do my report...Haha...

Got something to do when I reached home tonite...That is do study for tomorrow test and I have not been study this test since I have been doing the report like last week till now...Kao...WTH !!! I WANNA TO GO CRAZY LIAO !!! Haha...Can anyone out there help me ? Hmm...

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Never went to school todae coz my lappy is sick and need to sent to the doctor for diagnostics...Hai...So sad sia...Was doing my FYp report then my lappy went wrong...Hai...Wah lah...Of all time now then sick leh...Need to redo all my report all over again...So angry sia !!! Veri angry !!! Coz my lappy does not seem to detect my d drive...That is where I saved all my school work...Went all the way to Jurong East to see the lappy's doc and need to stay overnite there for one nite for hardware troubleshooting and all the "tests"...Hai...So no choice lor never went to school...Instead I meet my buddy to watch movie de but in the end never go and watch...This whole week never go school liao...Todae and tomorrow cannot go to school coz my lappy is sick and from last Monday till Wednesday are school holidaes so dun need to go back to school for lessons... :P Slack sia !!! But have to prepare my FYP like mad... :(

Back to the subject my buddy and I went to play LAN gaming at Cinelesuire instead and we played for 6 hours non-stop...We played Act of War: Direct Action and Battlefield 2...So nice wor !!! Haha... :P This time the AI in Battlefield is much more smarter and quicker in reaction compared to the past versions of Battlefield 2...Haha...Now is much more difficult to kill them wor !!! But I like...Challanging mah !!! Played till evening time around 6.00 plus in the evening then we went to Borders to look for some History books...We luv to read History books and we can spent the whole reading...Power sia !!! Haha...Later went to Toa Poyah to teach my friend POA and SS...She dun know how to do ma...So went to teach her lor...Have to teach her once every week...LOL... :P She RC CMI ma !!! No lah...Joking...Just that she thinks that I teach better than her teacher and thats all lor... :P At the same time had yong tou foo for my dinner... :P

Reached home around 11.00 plus...Nite liao...And I am blogging this right now amd have to redo my FYP AGAIN...ARH !!! Die die muz completed it over this weekend leh...But also dunno got enough time to do or not coz this coming Wednesday is the deadline wor...Hai...Stress again...Kao...Better meet my buddy the next evening to watch Stealth the movie bah since we plan to watch it the next day... :P

*My lappy is sick !!!...Hai... :( I changed my background music again...LOL... :P

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Haha...Woke up this noon at 12.00...Slept for so long...LOL... Came home around 1.00 a.m. in the morning after went to have my supper with the officers at Bedok...Had 2 pieces of egg roti prata and a cup of ice milo...The milo was so sweet and all of us were making fun that we might can diabetics liao...Haha...So lame sia... :P Yesterday's NDP was so fun but it is going to be my last one before I get enlisted into the army...Hai...My 4th and last NDP...Hai...Felt so sad sia...Cannot get to see the WOs and the sgts in the SAF liao... :P The cadets put up a good show for yesterdat's parade...The dressing and marching were prefect and it is the one that all of wanted them to do...Felt so happy for them...After the parade told them that their marching was excellent and they were on the TV...Haha...All of them did not knew that they were on the TV...Haha...Not observant sia !!! LOL... :P

Reached HQ around 10.15 a.m. and the cadets were taking photos here and there...Had SFI food for lunch and KFC for dinner...Initally the weather seems so bad and it is going to have a heavy rainpour but in the end it is only a small drizzle and we went back to the Padang for training in the afternoon...Wah lah !!! Now the weather is so hot...Is shiok sia !!! Now this is the best time to get tanned but such a pity that I am not at Sentosa right now...Haha... :P Can see that throughtout the whole day the cadets are in their high spirits and it can proven by the rehersals on that day and the songs thet sang at the holding area...LOL.. :P Last day of NDP ma... After the parade all of went back to HQ and we did our last debrief with the cadets and when we were leaving HQ, most of the cadets broke into tears...All of them have trained together so hard for the past 4 months and been together thick and thin...

If I were them, I also sure cried de ma...LOL... :P Now the cadets are planning for the contigent BBQ for everyone to enjoy and keep contact with each other... :P For this morning did not have my breakfast coz I woke up late so juz ask my ma to prepare a bowl of noodles for me for lunch to munch on...Haha... Going to do my report for my FYP in the afternoon and have to sleep early tonite coz I still have school the next day...Hai...Even now I still feeling veri tired while blogging this entry...Haha... :P Wat should I have my dinner later on ? Hmm...Going to be siao liao coz of my FYP...Haha... :P Hai...

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Todae is national day eve so dun need to go to school at all....Yea !!! Power sia...Still left 2 more days before going back to school but I think the last 2 days will be occupied...Tomorrow got NDP so need to go to Padang and Wednesday got my FYP report to write about...Did nothing much todae...Juz my normal routine...Woke up and brushed my teeth and have my breakfast at home...Played computer games the whole day...Power !!! Then took an afternoon nap coz I slept at 2.00 a.m. this morning and woke up at 10.30 a.m...LOL... :P

Went to PastaMania to have my lunch wif my friends..Ordered about 6 dishes of pizza and noodles...The 3 of us ate until so full and later went to the aracde to unwind ourselves before all of us went back home...Always meet up for lunch if we are free coz we live near each other...Have to buy my own dinner later coz my parents and my brothers are going to my grandma's house later for NDP celebrations...Not going coz tomorrow need to wake up early for NDP...Hai...Cannot get a chance to eat my grandma's cooking... :P

Still need to preparing my np uniform later but muz before I turn into bed...LOL...If not tomorrow sure veri rush for me de...Haha... :P Dunno wat time will I be coming home tomorrow nite coz I thought of watching movie wif my buddy...Long time never watch movie liao...Haha...Somemore he is going to get into army next month but all of us are going to sabo him the nite before he gets in...LOL... :P

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Hai...Supposed to go for NDP training todae but in the end never go out...Kao...3 times in a row never go liao leh....WTH !!! Why ? First two weeks got compeition at NUs mah now this week got another thing popped out...Is becoz I inuired my right ankle the day before and is during the handball training lor...ARH !!! Think I am going to be like Olivia liao...She injuired during her soccer training but that was in the past...Haha...At least I am not as worse as her...Think just sprained onli...Nothing serious...Haha... :P But my mum wanna to play safe so she asked me to stay at home and rest lor...So I listened to her lor...Haha.. :P

So basically I was rotting at home the whole day...So sian...Haha... :P Did nothing much at home apart from coming online once a while, chatting with my friends, watching DVDs and SCV at home...Nothing much....Of course play computer games without saying...Haha... :P Had mee for lunch and macdonalds for dinner...Haha...Hmm ? What shall I say ? Orh yeah hor...TO MY MEI MEI: YOU ARE VERY SLOW LEH...NOW THEN YOU KNOW WHERE I STAY...HAI...HAHA... :P Dun box me hor !!! Joking onli... :P

I wanna to go for NDP on this coming Tuesday no matter what...Lame rite ? Haha...Btw I just changed my background music again...Changed to an enlish music... :P LOL...Nothing to do and write for todae's post ma....Haha...Somemore it is so boring to stay at home the whole day leh...Can die of bored sia...LOL... :P Now can feel how Olivia stayed at home for the entire of this week...Reallie nothing to do at home leh...I dun wanna that to happen to me !!! Haha...

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Last day of school for this week before the 5 non-school days for us to enjoy...Haha...No need to go school next week from Monday to Wednesday...So shiok sia !!! Onli need to return to school on Thursday onwards...Can play like mad liao but of coz need to do my FYP report lah...If not sure have to rush like mad when school reopens next week...Somemore juz received an email from my project supervisior that my team presentation for this FYP is on the 25th of this month...That left us with onli exactely 20 days to complete any loose ends for the project along with the report...Hai...Seems that I am going to be busy during that period of time...Sad case... :P

What should I do during this 5 days holidays ? Hmm...Shall I go out and play at Sentosa on Sunday then do my FYP report on Monday and Wednesday and of course NDP on Tuesday...Haha...Whereas for todae and Saturday which is like tomorrow, I think I shall be free and easy...That means if I feel like study then study lor...If not juz play computer games at home...Haha...Wah....Shiok !!! Yea !!! :P If not nothing to do then sleep the whole day or just watch DVDs at home to burn time lor...Haha...Wanna to watch The Last Castle again...So nice...The storyline is good man !!! :P

Todae is the last day for me to submit the elective module that I wanna for my next semester and I have choose Consumer Psychology as my preferred choice after much thinking last nite...LOL...Hope I did not make the wrong choice bah...Haha...Had Java lessons for todae's module but the whole class was slacking as usual but this time got reason hor...The whole class dun know how to do so basically all of us did our own things...Whereas for me, I was watching movie in my lappy in the class and chatting with Olivia online since she is recovering from her chicken pox...She can be such a stubborn gal wor !!! Told her not to go to school on this coming Monday but she die die wanna to go sia...Coz she wanna to watch the parade and the celebrations in school...Hai...Veri stubborn sia...Later get sick then you know...Haha... :P Better pray nothing bad will happen to her wor !!! If not lotz of people will hunt me down...LOL... Not good... :P

Had my lunch in school...Hai...Canteen food sucks !!! I wanna to complain...Haha... :P Food is so expensive and taste like s*** !!! Haha... :P Last time went to NUS with my friends for the compeition and the food is much more cheaper and tastier lor...Kao...LOL... :P WTH sia !!! Hai later need to go for handball training after school...After that need to go home and prepare my np uniform for tomorrow's NDP at Padang...Never been for training for the past two weeks liao...Sure missed a lotz of things liao...Haha... :P

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Rained again...WTH !!! Wat's wrong with weather these few days ? Rained and rained...Dotz lor...Muz be my mei mei's fault....She is the one who wanted rain and I am the one who wanted sun instead...Wat's so good with rain ? Veri troublesome...Cannot go out...Cannot go to this place cannot go that place...Hai...Hope it wun rain during the semester break...If not I sure go mad de...Haha...Had Business Statistics for todae's lesson and the whole class juz slacked sia...All of us never do the work that was assigned to us coz we dun know how to do it and in the end the lecturer have to teach us...Pity the lecturer but not bad lah...At least Frank can teach better compared to Jason...Jason cannot teach for nuts lor...Haha... :P

Had an early lunch todae in school coz need to attend a talk regarding my elective modules for the next semester...Now have narrowed my choice to 2 modules and still deciding which module to take...Should I take Consumer Psychology or Marketing in Sports...Still thinking which of these two modules should I take...Most of my friends are taking Consumer Psychology as their prefered choice and I also wanna to take...Hai...Dunno what to take leh... :P

In Consumer Psychology can get to learn about understanding consumer's needs and how to satisfy their needs and behaviour...Why do they wanna to buy this brand over the other ones ? How do we tackle diffierent groups of consumers according to different purchasing situations ? Stuff like that...Whereas for Marketing in Sports it is learning about the importance of marketing and its growth in the sports industry...Why do sports companies give sponsorships to sportsman and sportswoman ? Why do they wanna to have advertising and how to sell their sports products, how to do sports events ? Stuff like these...Haha...This two modules look interesting to me and in a dilemma...

After the talk need to go and see my mentor about my team FYP...Haha...Our mentor seems to be very pleased with the programs we have created and implented so far...Now onli left the report and the doucemantion...He told us that if we do well in the reports, the chances of scoring an A for this will be higher coz just by looking at the program, we can get an A liao...Haha...So happy sia !!! :P Going to do my report veri nice and impressive...Haha...Yea !!!

Still have lesson tomorrow...So sian...How I wish tomorrow lesson will end fast coz next week I onli have 2 days of school...Onli on Thursday and Friday...So shiok !!! Can get to go out with my buddy and at the same time, spend more time on my FYP report... LOL... :P

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Hai...Think I am going to fail this morning test liao coz it is too difficult...Got 11 or 12 questions then the last few questions was on coding...It is where I need to type out the codes given the requirements by the questions...Hai...Out of this questions, I onli managed to write the codes for a few questions....My classmates also the same...All of us dunno how to do sia...But at least the MCQs we know how to do so think afterall we might be able to pass todae's test...Haha...After that went to check my grades for last week or 2 weeks ago 3rd Business Finance test and I got a B+ for it...Yea !!! So happy...Think I can get a B+ or an A for this module liao..Yea !!! Haha...

Somemore this whole week need to choose an elective module for the next semster...Still thinking whether should I take Consumer Psychology, Sports Marketing, Sports Nutrition, Sports Psychology or Sports Event Management...Hai...Can anyone tell me which module should I take ? Having headache because of this...Can onli choose one of all these modules. All this modules are the ones that I wanna to take but can onli take one...Wah lah !!! Need to choose by this coming Friday at 4.30 p.m....Hmm...Muz reallie think careful on wat module do I wanna to have as my elective module...Stress again !!! Luckily this week no more tests liao...Haha...If not sure stressed until I die...LOL... :P

Had Economics for todae's module and studied about International Trade, EU, NATO, ASEAN, GATT and a few calculations here and there...Not so difficult compared to the last few week's econ lesson..So difficult...It is so difficult to the extent that all of us do not know what to do or study which chapters...LOL...Pro rite ? LOL... :P Wanted to go outside to eat but it was raining so heavily so never go out and eat lor...Had my lunch in school instead...Arh !!! Sucks man !!! LOL... :P Hai...Olivia is still staying at home and is recovering from her chicken pox...Then at the same time I found out that she veri bo liao or should I said siao de ? Coz she wanted to change the font on her blog so small that it is impossible to read and you have to change the text size before reading it...She mad rite ? Muz be lor...Haha...Onli siao or bo liao ppl will do that onli...LOL... :P Opps.... Hope she wun box me hor...

Later will be meeting my classmates for a coffee session in the night and will be discussing on how to spend our 1 month semster break in Sept...Yea !!! Can't wait for it...Haha...Can play like mad liao...Somemore tomorrow no school...Haha...Feel so shiok !!! LOL... :P

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Haha...Supposed to go to school todae but I did not went...LOL..Coz I am lazy lor...No lah..Coz tomorrow got test on Java...So muz stay at home and study lor...In addition, todae's module on Business Finance is taught by Kok Whye and not kar Yeong...Dun like his lessons at all...Always ask stupid questions and he think he is some rich teacher then big f*** lor...His teaching sucks to the core...No one like him lor...Haha...Woke up around 9.30 a.m. in the morning...Felt so shiok !!! :P Slept more than 10 hours...Yea !!!

Took my breakfast at home and had a bowl of cerals with milk lor...Mugged for tomorrow test...Hai...So much to study and memorise...Stress lor !!! Haha...At the same time, did my PPM and finally I have completed the conclusion part...Yea !!! My PPM is ready for submission...Felt so happy and one less project to worry about...Now just have to concreate on my 2 final year projects and that's all...Of course staying at home alone for the whole day sure sian de mah...So went online and see is there anyone to chat wif...Saw Olivia online so went to chat wif her lor...Heard that she is having chicken pox...Hai...Felt kindda sad for her coz she cannot go to school for 2 weeks and stay at home also nothing to do...Sure bored to death de... :P Hope she can endure this 2 weeks and able to go back to school after that...Wish Olivia a speedy recovery !!!

Went to have lunch wif my friends who live near my block...Had our lunch at a nearby hawker center and after that went to STORM to trim my hair...Hair long liao...Always go and trim my hair every 2 weeks de...LOL...Like my hair to be short and neat ma...So can spike my hair...LOL... :P Spent the whole afternoon waiting for my queue...Haha...Wasted $18 dollars every time I go and trim my hair at STORM...Haha... :P Going to sleep early tonite coz I have to go back to school to sit for the test...Is a morning test at 8.30 a.m...Sucks lor !!! Never like tests to be held early in the morning except for major examinations lor...Coz normally after these tests, all of us would not have the mood to study for the rest of the day and as a result, our daily grades and learning are affected lor...So stupid sia to have tests early in the morning...I HATE IT !!! Haha...

Hmm...Seems that I am going to have a mouthwatering dinner tonite coz my ma is buying dinner from Rendevous resturant...Haha...Veri delicious coz my parents used to bring me there to eat before and tonite they are buying take-away food to eat at home...Yea !!! Yum yum !!! Bleh...

* For those who cannot listen to the background music, it is because you must have a Real Player installed on your computer in order to listen. You can download it under my song lyrics section in my blog... :P

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

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