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*./hear me speak.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Yesterdae my lappy gonna reboot..Hai...So sia sia !!! Luckily I got partioned my hard disk so all my important stuff are in the d drive so dun have to worry about all my mp3s, wallpapers, photos gonna deleted.. :P Supposed to do my FYP with my team yesterdae but coz of this case can onli start working from the evening... ARH !!! Juz had a meeting with NEC people... Wah !!! Now the job scope of this project is getting wider sia !!! How to complete within 4 months times ? Sure die de lah...

Haha...Next week onli need to attend school for 2 days leh...Orh yeah hor tomorrow is the last day of school for all the secondary students...Sure go to Sentosa next week confirm got lotz of people de... :( Monday going to pubbing with my friends to celebrate. Juz watched flight plan last weekend...Not nice de...So boring !!! Wanna to make me fall alseep in the theatre...Haha :P So happy PIGO emailed me last nite coz she is currently in China mah...Haha :P

Think going to watch this german movie called starship surprise...Seems veri funny after watching the trailers... :P

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Haha...Three weeks of school so fast ended liao... :P For the first two weeks of lesson I got 16 As and 4Bs out of 20 grades... Power lah...Last semester liao...Muz chong to get as many As as possible for my last 4 modules... :P Next month got PPM presentation...Now need to prepare my posters for presenatation liao...Muz try to pass this presentaiton so need not to worry liao... :P Orh yeah Why I hate Consumer Psychology coz my lecturer got mood swing lor...If she happy she is nice to the class if not she can be veri irritating and make us so angry lor...So arh !!! Dun wanna to comment abt it liao...Last semester liao...Dun wanna to find some trouble...Haha :P

Now going to have my 1 month holidae in 1 month's time...Time for me to earn more money for myself...Going to be a part time tuition and lifeguard again when the holdiaes comes...Haha :P Anyway going to be a teacher in the near future so I can treat this as a learning experience lor...Anyway if i am going to be a part time tuition teacher I am going to miss all the NP stuff next year leh...Anywaywho cares liao ? Dun like some people lor and dun wanna to comment about it liao... :P Juz had meeting with the NEC and ST people...So stressed lor...Everytime I think about my FYP my white hair starts to grow on my head... Going to enjoy myself before starting to do my PPM poster for next month presentation and have to revise my Monday's test on Sales Management...Think can pass this test lah...Kindda easy though...Juz have to talk cock that's all...Haha...Juz kidding...Dun believe wor... :P

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Haha....I am a red lobster again !!! :P Why ?
Coz yesterdae I went to Sentosa mah...Haha... :P Yea !!! Still have another meeting with NEC people tomorrow...
Hai...Going to have white hair liao lor... :P 20 year old guy having white hair...So rare sia !!! Muhahahaha :P
Going to end my first 3 weeks in school liao and 13 more weeks to go to end of 3 years in RP...LOL... :P
Hate Consumer Pyschology module...Why ? Tell u guys more abt it tml coz I am feeling very tired right now...Time for me to get some sleep...Haha :P


adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Haha...Went out yesterdae to Cinelesuire to watch this movie called The 40 year old virgin wif my buddie...So funny sia !!! Made me laugh most of the time while I was in the cinema theatre...Happened to see so many friends at orchard...My classmates, my handball team players...Somemore we saw this bunch of aunties at Cinelesuire wearing Bae Yong Jae...Arh !!! Dunno his name lah and onli know he is from korea...All those aunties wear his shirt, holding his posters of him...Wah !!! What an eye-opener for me sia...He came to Singapore meh ? Dunno lah and cannot be bothered lah...

Went to play games as usual andnothing new games leh...So sian...So play little bit of Swat 4 and this new version of Dawn of War... :P Going to trim myhair later in the afternoon liao...Haha...So many people told me my hair so short trim wat sia...Might as well cut botak better...Haha :P Dunno lah...I like my hair to be short mah and somemore Singapore is so hot leh...So humid... Now scv channel 1 got this cyberalthele show being broadcast live at Padang...Maybe going down later to see new computer gadgets bah...The day before I was watching the channel for the whole day...Got CS and painkiller mah !!! Haha :P

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Went for my medicial chech up for my NS enlistment for next year intake yesterdae...Hai...Initally got a pes A de but coz of my spinal injury I substained when I was in seconday school...Being downgrade till pes D...Arh !!! Still have to go back for 2nd appoinment next month...They need to see my doctor's report from the hospital when I was admitted the last time...But this grading this onli temporaily...If they find that I am fine and normal then my pes would be A liao lor...Haha... :P Tomorrow is Friday liao lor...So happy... :P Can enjoy my weekend lor...Still have to do my final year project though...Haha :P Now got so many movies to watch...Got goal, flight plan, the european gigglo and the 40 year old virgin...All are funny movies de... :P

14 more weeks liao can graduate lor... Yea !!!

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Haha...2nd week of school liao...14 more weeks then gradute liao lor...Haha :P So good Juz found out that lao ah ma is so violent sia !!! Haha :P Always bullied me de...From this week onwards, all of us need to wear formal attire for Human Resource Management...Orh my god sia !!! But we dun have to wear tie...So heng sia !!! Haha :P Hope Pigo will do well in her physics paper...Haha :P Tomorrow still have the President visit to my school campus so tomorrow' lesson all ends at 3.00 p.m. so I think i will be going home early and sleep...Haha :P My favourite pastime ? Hmm...

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Think I am going to have white hair in a matter of time...Juz like this actor called Michael in the chinese show on Channel 8 at 9.00 p.m....The show is called Beyond the Axis bah...Last nite was the last epsiode... :P Haha...Why ? Coz of the module I took yesterdae is called Business and Cyber Law...Law module can be very stressful sia...Even I scored an A1 for my O level English, I dun understand what some Acts in the constutiton means lor...Kao... ARH !!! Still need to understand and interpret the meaning of each paragraphs and sections of the Acts...Kao !!! After that still need to apply back to the problems...Haha...Luckily yesterdae onli need to study the Sedition Act...Only one Act...So lucky if not my brain is going to evaportise...Haha :P After reading, understanding, interpreting, applying blah blah blah we still need to know why do we have his Acts as part of our legal system in Singapore...

People onli have white hair when they grow older but a twenty year old kid like me...White hair ? Wah...Cannot lah...I still have a long way to go wo !!! Still need to take this law module for the next 4 months...Poor me !!! No no no !!! Is poor hair...I dun wanna to be like an old man...At least for now but I know who have lotz and lotz of white hair !!! Do you people wanna to know who he / she is ? Haha... :P Better not if not the person who read my blog will bound to kill me de...Haha...My life veri precious...Haha :P Lame !!! So the next following four mouths my hair is going to be white liao lor !!!

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Haha... :P

Juz received information that this semester the FYP my team would be doing is a RFID technology and biometrics technology student attendance system that involves with NEC...Haha... :P So stunned lor...This time is not longer a project that my team can choose from the school...Coz of the previous FYP project that we did last semester and the school felt that we have the potential to work on a difficult projects so they decided to pair my team with NEC...Wah lah...So stressed lor and need to do so many things compared to the previous project...LOL... Think my team is onli one in the school that work with major companies... :P

Need to the admininstrator module, facilitor module, student module, registration module, the interface...Blah...In simple terms it is where a student scan his / her Ez-Link card to a reader and use his / her fingerprints to confirm the details of the person for school daily attendance...Still have think about the algorithims and rules for the program like when the system would barred the student from logging in if the student reports late for classes...Kao...So much things to do liao lor...Wah !!! Stressed...This project will definately be more stressed than the previous one...Hai...Last time the project made me did not have sufficent sleep for about 1 to 2 weeks...Now this one dunno how long will it be make awake sia !!! Haha :P

Still need to present to NEC people and my school directors at the end of the school semester...Kao...Now have onli less than 4 months to complete this...Hai...Can someone help us out ? Anyone out there ? :P But then never mind, if the project is well done, my team can work in NEC as programmers...Haha :P Power lah !!! Muz reallie jiayou liao... :P

Haha...Tomorrow last module for this week's lesson...Haha...So happy... :P

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Wah !!! Todae first day of school...New school semester, new classmates, new modules, everything all new de...Haha...This last semester no programming modules liao lor...All business modules...But I think one of my modules,Sales Management, will be veri sian lor coz the lecutrer always tok grandfather's stories de...So long winded and always folllow by the school rules de...Haha...Still said that he is a flexible...Kao...Nearly made the whole class of mine fell asleep siao...Power rite ? Haha :P Yea !!! Juz got back my last semester result...Out of 5 modules, I got 3 B+ and 2 Bs...All Bs sia and not a single As...Hai...Never mind

I shall work harder for this last semester before I graduate next March...Haha...Somemore this new class of mine have all the pros in my course...Wah !!! Muz work harder liao...LOL... :P Todae's lesson kindda easy to do but the stupid teacher made us wanna to sleep in class and have the sian sian expressions on our face lor...Haha... WTH !!! Worse was that he even started the class early compared to the other classes and still ended slightly late to the rest of the classes...So you can imagine how long and how much he can tok to us in class lor !!! ARH !!! Stupid lecturer !!! Haha :P

Going to like tomorrow's module which is Human Resource Management which going to be taught by one of my favourites teachers in RP...Haha :P

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

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