*./hear me speak.
adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Ask Uncle Neo"What is 1+1 in electronics?" - tok1+1 in electronics is 10. why? 2 in electronics is represented as 10 as 2/2 mod 0 remainder 1 this reading up it would be 10. binary 10 is 2 as 2^0 * 0 + 2^1 * 1 = 2. Represented in an 8 bit binary processor incl. sign bit it would appear as 00000010 and it will not result in overflow. represented in a 16-bit processor incl. sign bit it would appear as 0000000000000010. Overflow happens when the number is to big to be represented by the processor and the computer will return error or go 'kaput'. Actually no they don't go 'kaput'. They go 'beep' or 'tehhhhh' or 'yahoo' or hang on you and you end up banging the keyboard or pulling out your hair just because your computer is going 'beep'. Or 'yahoo'. Okay I think nobody understood what I just wrote because even I can't understand what I just blabbered."I found smelly undies! HOW?!" - wahahaha"I have smelly undies! HOW?!" - too lazy to typeCheck if they're from Calvin Klein. I just heard that Calvin Klein underwears and bras are the softest around so if it's not from Calvin Klein throw it away. "I'm SO cuter than u!! HOW??!" - belleeHMMMPH! naughty bobosaurus..."aasd" - too lazy to typeWRONG LAH. It's a-b-c-d. The Neo Blog Outsourcing/Exchange/whatever-you-want-to-call-it (NBOEWP) ProgramIn this very special blog outsourcing/exchange/whatever-you-want-to-call-it program (NBOEWP...pronounced Nao-bei-whoop), The Incredible Neo has invited some other people to help him blog and share their fusion of blahblahblahblahblah on contemporary topics like capitalism and hacking and Donald Duck and blahblahblah. Blahblahblahblahblahblah and happy reading.For our first guest blogger we have invited Mr William Lim. He comes with impressive pedigree. No. Actually he's crap and has only 3 tees in his entire wardrobe, one white-blue one from Giordano, one undersized black Honda one and one reversible one from Bossini. Okay so that would make it 4 actually seeing its reversible. WILLIAM MY MOUSE IS BETTER THAN YOURS...YOUR MICROSOFT MOUSE IS GARBAGE NO FRICTION ONE...EVERYBODY BUY IBM MOUSES...and so presenting to you my 1st guest blogger....William.1. WilliamHi, this is mr neo blogging. (no, its me blogging.)William: hi, mr neoneo: hi william, how in the world did you get into my blog?William: I can't believe I am typing what you are saying.neo: are you sure?William: Let me try to put words into your mouth.neo: you can't, this is my site.William: *stuffs words into neo's mouth.neo: owieofhoiado, oiwjeoiw, oiwjowjef... oiweufj, owiefiwWilliam: muuahahahahahaha!!!neo: iwe hi iwy wodhw dia yaie gei heisWilliam: What?neo: oiweo oiwjof oiwejoi !!!!!William: I donno what you are talking about.neo: owief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!William: na ni na ni poo poo.
adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
I'll have you know that I took 12 hours to write an entire post but when I tried to publish it bloody blogger asked me to login. When I login-ed my entire post was gone. I managed to recover some of the original post but being the idiot person that I am I didn't save that part and now I have to start from scratch again. Bloody security.
Right then, MSN Messenger has been around like forever but they only had a display picture function and some fascinating display pictures when they released MSN Messenger 6. Then they released MSN Messenger 7 which contained lots of rubbish like personal messages (what are they for?) and winks which don't really wink. They also installed lots of rubbish like MSN toolbar and shortcuts when you only wanted Messenger. When will MSN understand that a computer is like a home - if I place my furniture that way don't come into my house and rearrange my furniture! And don't bring in your ugly furniture in with you too! But I digress.

The MSN display pictures that come with it are very nice and tell a lot about someone. Today I will help you in demystifying what those pictures mean and help you pinpoint out which default display picture you should be using!

Orange Daisy
This flower is orange and plastic. It looks fake. It is probably fake. Where have you ever seen an orange daisy before? If you're love orange you'd probably love this picture. People likely to use this picture are florists who sell fake flowers, florists who sell orange flowers, people who have fake parts like Michael Jackson, gay guys, and people who are rather fake.

Soccer Ball
Most people would think that only soccer fans would put the soccer ball as their display picture. Well they're wrong. Soccer fans will never put this picture as their display picture. Soccer fans will put an image of their favourite player or favourite team as their display picture! This ball is a disgrace! You can't even kick it properly!
I remember back in secondary school during a PE lesson, my jumbo sized classmate was dribbling towards the corner flag. I ran over and did a sliding tackle on him and he fell. ON ME. All 80kg of meat on me! I think he did it on purpose! He probably kicks soccer balls around aimlessly and waits for skinny people to come near him and pretend to fall over and squash them! Therefore, I think the only people who put this as their display picture are those owners of toy manufacturing companies who take great pride in manufacturing these lousy plastic balls, dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, crazy people who chase round things the whole day and jumbo sized classmates who like to squash their skinny classmates.

Chess Pieces
This picture is one for the true blue nerds and war strategists. Which means that those like arguing on whether Dostoyevsky's writings have any connection with Marxism and computer programmers will fancy this picture. This display picture also makes people look intelligent, at least for the first few minutes when you're talking with them. Another group of people who will be using this picture are those who are thinking in their minds right now that the black queen should eat the white rook, and others likely to use this picture are prime ministers and army generals.

Beach Chairs
If you use this as your display picture you are in dire need of a holiday and are probably very stressed up. Or you are some kind of horny guy who hopes to find out one day if there's a hot bikini babe sitting behind those chairs sipping lemonade. You need to relax! If you're a sporty beach bum you'd probably be also putting this as your display picture. People likely to put this as their display picture are crazy people, managers, hotel staff, perverts, volleyball players and surfers.

Rocket Launch
KABOOM! A rocket's taking off! You're probably an explosive person - which means people who put this are likely to have short tempers, scream all the time for no reason, or like playing with explosives. Which mean you are likely to be primary school teachers that get angry with students who don't write the date or registration number on their worksheets, engineers, army sergeants, and terrorists.

Rubber Duck
The politically safe and very yellow rubber duck would indicate that you are still young at heart, and are well, a rather boring person actually. The most commonly used MSN picture, you're a stable, strong, nice and reliable person, but there's nothing really interesting about you. You're a person who doesn't fit into any of the other display pictures! Pick up a weird hobby, change your display picture today!

Friendly Dog
I've never really liked dogs after being scared by one when I was a little boy, and I think this dog looks disgusting. Don't you think so? But never mind! People who all put this display picture might look disgusting or scary, but underneath that facade, they're all loyal and friendly, happy people. Dogs should not put this as a display picture or they'll end up barking at this picture.

Dirt Bike
You're an adventure seeker eh? You're a high flyer eh? You're a daredevil eh? This is the picture for you! People who put this display picture tend to be of the daring sort and are confident. And tough. You don't care about your safety and only want the best. People likely to put this picture are drivers who recieve traffic summons for speeding and bikers who recieve traffic summons for speeding.

Palm Trees
This is a stupid picture. Stupid people use this.

Running Horses
These horses aren't running, and similarly, WHY WOULD ANYBODY WOULD WANT TO PUT 2 HORSES AS A DISPLAY PICTURE??! WHY??! Because they like it! I think this is a nice charming little picture.
SkateboarderIf you understand what the following rubbish from Missy Elliott means, this is the picture for you.Musi quesI sews on bewsI pues a twos on que zatPue zooMy kizzerPous zigga ay zeeIts all kizzaIts always likeIts all kizzaIts always likeNa zoundWa zeeWa zoom zoom zeeWhat MSN display picture are you?
adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Todae I shall do two posts...
Last Tuesday, I went to the loo at the school before I left for home where I say my former Business Statistics lecurer there...
My lecturer is at Urinal A and obviously I, out of the most basic decency every straight guy should have, go to Urinal D. And while I'm trying to mind my own erm, business, my lecturer, who was minding his own business too, sees me and turns to me with a big smile on his face and asks me "HOW ADRIAN CAN OR NOT?!!" Second post:Last Thursday while going home I bought one of those SPECIAL Ramly burgers with cheese from the pasar malam home, sat on my bed and ate it. I fell asleep immediately after finishing it, slept for 13 hours straight, dreamt about being stuck in a room with some naked girls, and only woke up the next morning.13 hours!!! Wonderful things those Ramly burgers.
adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
An experiment was conducted recently to get people's responses to getting unsolicted messages containing what would appear to be rubbish to most people. The experiment involved sending out a SMS containing the words 'The sheep will fly some day' to 13 nice people. I wanted to key in random numbers and send messages out to complete strangers but the possibility of seeing my number on the back of toilet doors with pornographic offers scribbled beside it isn't exactly the nicest thought. Anyway, here are their replies.
A: How about cows?
J: Mai kao chai 1 .. Care to explain?
S: You go crazy already ad ? If sheep fly I make sure cow will fly too!
W: one day sheep will have dreams.
N: What rubbish? You act stupid is it?
Y: let the killing begin..
W: The cows will swim one day
C: Mad ah
S: Very good.
C: I thought I just saw one today.
Based on these replies, I have concluded that there is nothing to conclude except that 3 of the people surveyed have a similar affection for cows and 3 people have either been left dumbstruck by the bizarre sentence or have faulty handphones.
In this paragraph I will throw in some redundant formula in an attempt to make the experiment look more meaningful. With a 95% confidence interval we will calculate Upper and Lower Limit (xbar +- zprob (s/sqrt n) and get 22.5327938 to 23.6199862 which is probably wrong since I'm unable to get a value for the standard deviation (s) and its been ages since I did stuff like this anyway.
I hope when I grow old I will find a nice place in the mountains and live there alone for the rest of my life and take care of sheep and play bongo drums every morning and shout 'YARALADLAARRRR!!!!!!!'. Thank you and have a nice day :)
1 Mai Kao Chai is Thai and means 'I don't understand'.
adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Since I did a post on the types of gals last year I too shall shall do one for the boys. It is very easy to categorise the different types of guys compared to girls. - ass
- assholes
- bigger assholes
- even bigger assholes
- Ass
- This is the fundamental category. there are no good guys. Girls worldwide from Afghanistan ("??????? ????!") to Iraq ("SADDAM SUCKS!") to Zimbabwe ("Ngkung Buckui!") have proclaimed that there are 'no good guys in this world', much to the irritation of us guys. Look, we held the door open for you okay! We pulled out the chair! Isn't that nice enough already??! Anyway, every guy is an ass because they have an ass and are naughty by nature. And every guy, being naughty, probably has masturbated before and is thus guilty of murder. Masturbation is murder! They have murdered millions of innocent sperm cells that could produce more asses with their fantasies!
- Assholes
- Guys who are an asshole usually irritate others. Male Chauvinistic Pigs (MCPs) go into here because they rule the office like a pig would do and irritate the whole office. Males like Superman go into here too because he irritates and gives fashion critics heart attacks by wearing his underwear outside, and gives hygiene junkies heart attacks too by never changing his underwear. Flying around in the air and destroying civilian buidings for no reason while fighting some monster when just kicking the monster in the balls would have sufficed is also irritating behaviour. Any other boy or Ah Beng you know who has worn a pink tee out goes into here too.
- Bigger assholes
- Your friendly class nerd, flirts, gay boys, metrosexuals, George W. Bush and his friends go into here. Essentially the more 'jialat' or handsome ones. Guys which girls think are cute and get all the attention from them go into here too. Gay boys warrant a place here simply because I'm homophobic and I don't like the way they talk. And metrosexuals tend to be skincare whores. If there's one at a department store beauty counter and they see me they'll go "Oh boyyy, this cream will help make your skin more beauuutiful" and that makes me angry so they go into here too. Look, we are guys, and even though you all say using moisturizer is good (and I have one at home) we buffoons are too clumsy and disgusting to use your stupid moisturizer! Stop promoting your moisturizer to us guys! We think Coke is a moisturizer!They say "treat nerds well, you will work for one next time" which I think is rubbish because they don't have the authority honestly, but they score top marks everytime and make the rest of us guys who are busy being clumsy and disgusting look bad and get earfuls from our parents, and therefore are bigger assholes too.George and his good friends Osama and Saddam go into here also purely because they talk loads of rubbish on TV.
- Even bigger assholes
- Stupid lecturers who downgrade you just because you're late for class go here.
adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Okay, enough digressing already - let's get on quickly to what really matters. what can change how you work, how you view people yadayada. What is of utmost importance and yadadada. what many people have debated upon yadayada and whatever stuff that you think should go here so that i can have the chance to type yadayada. yadadada is a very fun word to type you know! I can just type a 'y' and for the rest i just alternate quickly between 'a' and 'd'. It's very fun! okay i'll stop all this and type out the topic. yadadadaSHOULD YOUR MSN MESSEENGER WINDOW BE MINIMIZED OR MAXIMIZED YADAYADA?In case you don't know, minimized means what you see in the very first picture and maximized is the whole thing blown to fit your screen.My stance is that people should keep their window in a MINIMIZED state. well, simply being because WHAT THE HELL CAN YOU SEE WHEN ITS MAXIMIZED?!! You have to minimize the whole bloody thing to look at say, a website, and then when you want to see who's that fella who just signed in with a stupid nickname you have to open and maximize the whole thing again. All this so that you can see a person's nickname fully.Conversely, when its MINIMIZED, all you have to do is just shift the thing around! you can move it right, move it left, if its blocking you and so on! You don't have to minimize and maximise the thing so that you can view a website. And i see no reasonable need for you to have to see the person's nickname fully.Or maybe we should all just close the whole thing and leave it as a little green man or little green man with a clock or little green man with a 'no entry' sign or red man at the bottom right hand of your screen. Or whatever funky little thing if youre using some add-on to MSN Messenger ydadadya.And so here we conclude that this issue certainly is of utmost importance as it really changes how you work and how you can potentially view people (it really does, doesn't it?) and that you should keep your MSN Messenger window MINIMIZED. Thank you. I should get back to my book and noodles now - they're getting cold... yadayadadadadada
adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.
*./hear me speak.
adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Ask Uncle Neo"What is 1+1 in electronics?" - tok1+1 in electronics is 10. why? 2 in electronics is represented as 10 as 2/2 mod 0 remainder 1 this reading up it would be 10. binary 10 is 2 as 2^0 * 0 + 2^1 * 1 = 2. Represented in an 8 bit binary processor incl. sign bit it would appear as 00000010 and it will not result in overflow. represented in a 16-bit processor incl. sign bit it would appear as 0000000000000010. Overflow happens when the number is to big to be represented by the processor and the computer will return error or go 'kaput'. Actually no they don't go 'kaput'. They go 'beep' or 'tehhhhh' or 'yahoo' or hang on you and you end up banging the keyboard or pulling out your hair just because your computer is going 'beep'. Or 'yahoo'. Okay I think nobody understood what I just wrote because even I can't understand what I just blabbered."I found smelly undies! HOW?!" - wahahaha"I have smelly undies! HOW?!" - too lazy to typeCheck if they're from Calvin Klein. I just heard that Calvin Klein underwears and bras are the softest around so if it's not from Calvin Klein throw it away. "I'm SO cuter than u!! HOW??!" - belleeHMMMPH! naughty bobosaurus..."aasd" - too lazy to typeWRONG LAH. It's a-b-c-d. The Neo Blog Outsourcing/Exchange/whatever-you-want-to-call-it (NBOEWP) ProgramIn this very special blog outsourcing/exchange/whatever-you-want-to-call-it program (NBOEWP...pronounced Nao-bei-whoop), The Incredible Neo has invited some other people to help him blog and share their fusion of blahblahblahblahblah on contemporary topics like capitalism and hacking and Donald Duck and blahblahblah. Blahblahblahblahblahblah and happy reading.For our first guest blogger we have invited Mr William Lim. He comes with impressive pedigree. No. Actually he's crap and has only 3 tees in his entire wardrobe, one white-blue one from Giordano, one undersized black Honda one and one reversible one from Bossini. Okay so that would make it 4 actually seeing its reversible. WILLIAM MY MOUSE IS BETTER THAN YOURS...YOUR MICROSOFT MOUSE IS GARBAGE NO FRICTION ONE...EVERYBODY BUY IBM MOUSES...and so presenting to you my 1st guest blogger....William.1. WilliamHi, this is mr neo blogging. (no, its me blogging.)William: hi, mr neoneo: hi william, how in the world did you get into my blog?William: I can't believe I am typing what you are saying.neo: are you sure?William: Let me try to put words into your mouth.neo: you can't, this is my site.William: *stuffs words into neo's mouth.neo: owieofhoiado, oiwjeoiw, oiwjowjef... oiweufj, owiefiwWilliam: muuahahahahahaha!!!neo: iwe hi iwy wodhw dia yaie gei heisWilliam: What?neo: oiweo oiwjof oiwejoi !!!!!William: I donno what you are talking about.neo: owief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!William: na ni na ni poo poo.
adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
I'll have you know that I took 12 hours to write an entire post but when I tried to publish it bloody blogger asked me to login. When I login-ed my entire post was gone. I managed to recover some of the original post but being the idiot person that I am I didn't save that part and now I have to start from scratch again. Bloody security.
Right then, MSN Messenger has been around like forever but they only had a display picture function and some fascinating display pictures when they released MSN Messenger 6. Then they released MSN Messenger 7 which contained lots of rubbish like personal messages (what are they for?) and winks which don't really wink. They also installed lots of rubbish like MSN toolbar and shortcuts when you only wanted Messenger. When will MSN understand that a computer is like a home - if I place my furniture that way don't come into my house and rearrange my furniture! And don't bring in your ugly furniture in with you too! But I digress.

The MSN display pictures that come with it are very nice and tell a lot about someone. Today I will help you in demystifying what those pictures mean and help you pinpoint out which default display picture you should be using!

Orange Daisy
This flower is orange and plastic. It looks fake. It is probably fake. Where have you ever seen an orange daisy before? If you're love orange you'd probably love this picture. People likely to use this picture are florists who sell fake flowers, florists who sell orange flowers, people who have fake parts like Michael Jackson, gay guys, and people who are rather fake.

Soccer Ball
Most people would think that only soccer fans would put the soccer ball as their display picture. Well they're wrong. Soccer fans will never put this picture as their display picture. Soccer fans will put an image of their favourite player or favourite team as their display picture! This ball is a disgrace! You can't even kick it properly!
I remember back in secondary school during a PE lesson, my jumbo sized classmate was dribbling towards the corner flag. I ran over and did a sliding tackle on him and he fell. ON ME. All 80kg of meat on me! I think he did it on purpose! He probably kicks soccer balls around aimlessly and waits for skinny people to come near him and pretend to fall over and squash them! Therefore, I think the only people who put this as their display picture are those owners of toy manufacturing companies who take great pride in manufacturing these lousy plastic balls, dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, crazy people who chase round things the whole day and jumbo sized classmates who like to squash their skinny classmates.

Chess Pieces
This picture is one for the true blue nerds and war strategists. Which means that those like arguing on whether Dostoyevsky's writings have any connection with Marxism and computer programmers will fancy this picture. This display picture also makes people look intelligent, at least for the first few minutes when you're talking with them. Another group of people who will be using this picture are those who are thinking in their minds right now that the black queen should eat the white rook, and others likely to use this picture are prime ministers and army generals.

Beach Chairs
If you use this as your display picture you are in dire need of a holiday and are probably very stressed up. Or you are some kind of horny guy who hopes to find out one day if there's a hot bikini babe sitting behind those chairs sipping lemonade. You need to relax! If you're a sporty beach bum you'd probably be also putting this as your display picture. People likely to put this as their display picture are crazy people, managers, hotel staff, perverts, volleyball players and surfers.

Rocket Launch
KABOOM! A rocket's taking off! You're probably an explosive person - which means people who put this are likely to have short tempers, scream all the time for no reason, or like playing with explosives. Which mean you are likely to be primary school teachers that get angry with students who don't write the date or registration number on their worksheets, engineers, army sergeants, and terrorists.

Rubber Duck
The politically safe and very yellow rubber duck would indicate that you are still young at heart, and are well, a rather boring person actually. The most commonly used MSN picture, you're a stable, strong, nice and reliable person, but there's nothing really interesting about you. You're a person who doesn't fit into any of the other display pictures! Pick up a weird hobby, change your display picture today!

Friendly Dog
I've never really liked dogs after being scared by one when I was a little boy, and I think this dog looks disgusting. Don't you think so? But never mind! People who all put this display picture might look disgusting or scary, but underneath that facade, they're all loyal and friendly, happy people. Dogs should not put this as a display picture or they'll end up barking at this picture.

Dirt Bike
You're an adventure seeker eh? You're a high flyer eh? You're a daredevil eh? This is the picture for you! People who put this display picture tend to be of the daring sort and are confident. And tough. You don't care about your safety and only want the best. People likely to put this picture are drivers who recieve traffic summons for speeding and bikers who recieve traffic summons for speeding.

Palm Trees
This is a stupid picture. Stupid people use this.

Running Horses
These horses aren't running, and similarly, WHY WOULD ANYBODY WOULD WANT TO PUT 2 HORSES AS A DISPLAY PICTURE??! WHY??! Because they like it! I think this is a nice charming little picture.
SkateboarderIf you understand what the following rubbish from Missy Elliott means, this is the picture for you.Musi quesI sews on bewsI pues a twos on que zatPue zooMy kizzerPous zigga ay zeeIts all kizzaIts always likeIts all kizzaIts always likeNa zoundWa zeeWa zoom zoom zeeWhat MSN display picture are you?
adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Todae I shall do two posts...
Last Tuesday, I went to the loo at the school before I left for home where I say my former Business Statistics lecurer there...
My lecturer is at Urinal A and obviously I, out of the most basic decency every straight guy should have, go to Urinal D. And while I'm trying to mind my own erm, business, my lecturer, who was minding his own business too, sees me and turns to me with a big smile on his face and asks me "HOW ADRIAN CAN OR NOT?!!" Second post:Last Thursday while going home I bought one of those SPECIAL Ramly burgers with cheese from the pasar malam home, sat on my bed and ate it. I fell asleep immediately after finishing it, slept for 13 hours straight, dreamt about being stuck in a room with some naked girls, and only woke up the next morning.13 hours!!! Wonderful things those Ramly burgers.
adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
An experiment was conducted recently to get people's responses to getting unsolicted messages containing what would appear to be rubbish to most people. The experiment involved sending out a SMS containing the words 'The sheep will fly some day' to 13 nice people. I wanted to key in random numbers and send messages out to complete strangers but the possibility of seeing my number on the back of toilet doors with pornographic offers scribbled beside it isn't exactly the nicest thought. Anyway, here are their replies.
A: How about cows?
J: Mai kao chai 1 .. Care to explain?
S: You go crazy already ad ? If sheep fly I make sure cow will fly too!
W: one day sheep will have dreams.
N: What rubbish? You act stupid is it?
Y: let the killing begin..
W: The cows will swim one day
C: Mad ah
S: Very good.
C: I thought I just saw one today.
Based on these replies, I have concluded that there is nothing to conclude except that 3 of the people surveyed have a similar affection for cows and 3 people have either been left dumbstruck by the bizarre sentence or have faulty handphones.
In this paragraph I will throw in some redundant formula in an attempt to make the experiment look more meaningful. With a 95% confidence interval we will calculate Upper and Lower Limit (xbar +- zprob (s/sqrt n) and get 22.5327938 to 23.6199862 which is probably wrong since I'm unable to get a value for the standard deviation (s) and its been ages since I did stuff like this anyway.
I hope when I grow old I will find a nice place in the mountains and live there alone for the rest of my life and take care of sheep and play bongo drums every morning and shout 'YARALADLAARRRR!!!!!!!'. Thank you and have a nice day :)
1 Mai Kao Chai is Thai and means 'I don't understand'.
adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Since I did a post on the types of gals last year I too shall shall do one for the boys. It is very easy to categorise the different types of guys compared to girls. - ass
- assholes
- bigger assholes
- even bigger assholes
- Ass
- This is the fundamental category. there are no good guys. Girls worldwide from Afghanistan ("??????? ????!") to Iraq ("SADDAM SUCKS!") to Zimbabwe ("Ngkung Buckui!") have proclaimed that there are 'no good guys in this world', much to the irritation of us guys. Look, we held the door open for you okay! We pulled out the chair! Isn't that nice enough already??! Anyway, every guy is an ass because they have an ass and are naughty by nature. And every guy, being naughty, probably has masturbated before and is thus guilty of murder. Masturbation is murder! They have murdered millions of innocent sperm cells that could produce more asses with their fantasies!
- Assholes
- Guys who are an asshole usually irritate others. Male Chauvinistic Pigs (MCPs) go into here because they rule the office like a pig would do and irritate the whole office. Males like Superman go into here too because he irritates and gives fashion critics heart attacks by wearing his underwear outside, and gives hygiene junkies heart attacks too by never changing his underwear. Flying around in the air and destroying civilian buidings for no reason while fighting some monster when just kicking the monster in the balls would have sufficed is also irritating behaviour. Any other boy or Ah Beng you know who has worn a pink tee out goes into here too.
- Bigger assholes
- Your friendly class nerd, flirts, gay boys, metrosexuals, George W. Bush and his friends go into here. Essentially the more 'jialat' or handsome ones. Guys which girls think are cute and get all the attention from them go into here too. Gay boys warrant a place here simply because I'm homophobic and I don't like the way they talk. And metrosexuals tend to be skincare whores. If there's one at a department store beauty counter and they see me they'll go "Oh boyyy, this cream will help make your skin more beauuutiful" and that makes me angry so they go into here too. Look, we are guys, and even though you all say using moisturizer is good (and I have one at home) we buffoons are too clumsy and disgusting to use your stupid moisturizer! Stop promoting your moisturizer to us guys! We think Coke is a moisturizer!They say "treat nerds well, you will work for one next time" which I think is rubbish because they don't have the authority honestly, but they score top marks everytime and make the rest of us guys who are busy being clumsy and disgusting look bad and get earfuls from our parents, and therefore are bigger assholes too.George and his good friends Osama and Saddam go into here also purely because they talk loads of rubbish on TV.
- Even bigger assholes
- Stupid lecturers who downgrade you just because you're late for class go here.
adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Okay, enough digressing already - let's get on quickly to what really matters. what can change how you work, how you view people yadayada. What is of utmost importance and yadadada. what many people have debated upon yadayada and whatever stuff that you think should go here so that i can have the chance to type yadayada. yadadada is a very fun word to type you know! I can just type a 'y' and for the rest i just alternate quickly between 'a' and 'd'. It's very fun! okay i'll stop all this and type out the topic. yadadadaSHOULD YOUR MSN MESSEENGER WINDOW BE MINIMIZED OR MAXIMIZED YADAYADA?In case you don't know, minimized means what you see in the very first picture and maximized is the whole thing blown to fit your screen.My stance is that people should keep their window in a MINIMIZED state. well, simply being because WHAT THE HELL CAN YOU SEE WHEN ITS MAXIMIZED?!! You have to minimize the whole bloody thing to look at say, a website, and then when you want to see who's that fella who just signed in with a stupid nickname you have to open and maximize the whole thing again. All this so that you can see a person's nickname fully.Conversely, when its MINIMIZED, all you have to do is just shift the thing around! you can move it right, move it left, if its blocking you and so on! You don't have to minimize and maximise the thing so that you can view a website. And i see no reasonable need for you to have to see the person's nickname fully.Or maybe we should all just close the whole thing and leave it as a little green man or little green man with a clock or little green man with a 'no entry' sign or red man at the bottom right hand of your screen. Or whatever funky little thing if youre using some add-on to MSN Messenger ydadadya.And so here we conclude that this issue certainly is of utmost importance as it really changes how you work and how you can potentially view people (it really does, doesn't it?) and that you should keep your MSN Messenger window MINIMIZED. Thank you. I should get back to my book and noodles now - they're getting cold... yadayadadadadada
adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.