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*./hear me speak.

Friday, June 09, 2006

ns enlistment.

What would I do after my graduation from poly?

Well, I have to serve my nation, my country, my people.
Because Singapore loves me.
And I love Singapore.
National Service is good. I like.

Will be enlisting to the army tomorrow. Will update once I am free.


Even we have the technology such as MSN and the Internet at home, it is still as difficult as in the past to keep in touch with your friends as either they will be away or busy. What the hell. How to keep in contact?

* Click on the pictures itself for a clearer view.

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Monday, June 05, 2006

prata man.

Having told the girl I'm buying her breakfast, I went downstairs to buy a prata. But mind you this is no ordinary prata I'm buying her because the prata is a HEART-SHAPE. But story always have a twist, the bloody prata flipper don't understand a word of English other than prata kosong, prata egg and more curry.

So I spent like 10 minutes at the crowded prata stall explaining to the prata flipper and resort to drawing a heart out before he understand my request.By that time the whole coffeshop is like staring at me and now with the mandate of my zhong shen xing fu in his hand, the prata flipper spent like 15 minutes trying to make that heart shape prata for me.

But alas the outcome looks more like a lump of jelly dropped from the 28th storey than a heart-shape prata.Thus I didn't manage to give her the H-S prata, and didn't manage to win her heart.I still blame the prata flipper for it.

Moral of the story: Never put your zhong shen xing fu onto the hands of the prata man.

draw a pig.

You drew your pig:

Toward the middle of the frame, you are a realist.

Facing left, you believe in tradition, are friendly, and remember dates (birthdays, etc.)
With few details, you are emotional and naive, you care little for details and are a risk-taker.
With 4 legs showing, you are secure, stubborn, and stick to your ideals.
The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are. You are a poor listener.
The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life. You have a good sex life.

What a rubbish.

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


What is the best remedy for curing hangover?

1. Go and sleep
2. Go home, take a warm shower before going to sleep
3. Drink green tea
4. Drink more (wine, alcohol, beer)
5. Shower yourself with cold water
6. Sleep in the bathroom.
7. Count sheeps while you are lying on your bed.

One way to get over hangover is to drive a car. It works. Why? Coz I did it last night and was accident-free.

After the graduation ceremony went to chiong with 4 of my female classmates / schoolmates. Had a bottle of chivas. At the end of it, I was being raped...LOL...Stupid. I will never go and chiong le...What a scary experience for me.

Stupid chivas
Stupid water
Stupid coke
Stupid cup
Stupid ice
Stupid stirer

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

offically graduated.

I am decleared as the first pionner of RP graduates.
3 years in RP. All the IM messaging, CS, movies screening in classrooms, MAC - IG. Skipping of lessons from time to time. I missed all these. The food both @ Orchard & @ the school canteen, reformatting of laptops at IT HelpDesk, playing hide-and-seek in the school. Staying back late in school to do our FYP projects. All these will become my past memories. An unforgetable memories.

Would like to thank my fellow facilitators, classmates, friends and schoolmates for being a part in my life.

John Young - Being a big father to us and a great supervisor for my FYP team.
Melvin Goh - Giving me the inspiration of becoming a webmaster or fields related to web-designing.
Daniel Phee - Lending his helping hand to guide us when we have trouble in our PPs.
Frank Ng - Another faciliator who helped and guided us in the modules that we are taking under his charge.
Christopher Tan - Helping us to book a chalet for us @ Aloha and the way he conducted the lessons for us was relaxing.
Christine Sun - My mentor who always ask my well-being.
Carol Danker - The faciliator who made me to have a deeper and greater interest in Economics which I would like to study as my degree course.

Following are the pictures that I took during the graduation ceremony that was held @ NUS University Culture Centre.

Photo with the hunks and beauties of RP? Nah. Just kidding.

Close - up photo with my classmate, Kah Leng

Close - up photo with my classmate, Juqin

Another group photo

Another another group photo

A black cover holder, yearbook, school tie, academic transcript, diploma cert and a teddy bear

A set of compiled photos. A picture speaks a thousands words.

Will upload more photos when I have new ones coming in.

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

hear me speak.
links. / archives. / song lyrics.
the tall one.
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