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*./hear me speak.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


I am earning $0.90 per hour. That's so cool.
I am earning lesser than those construction workers. Wah. *Clap hands
I wanna to complain but who can help us?
I wanna to earn at least $1k if not I cannot buy my action figures, buy new CDs and buy new computer games.

mon - fri: serving the nation coz Singapore loves me and I love Singapore
sat & sun: Personal Time.

Sigh. No life.

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

field camp.

Dear Blog,

Please accept notice of my intention to request leave from 22nd July 2006 till July 29th 2006 to go say hi to my mosquitoes and leeches friends in the jungle (field camp).

And as I have discussed with you, that, I might get kidnapped by Big-Foot(s), or bitten by poisonous snake(s), or sucked dry by leech(es) should you not hear from me, on or before, the 29th July 2006.

Thank you for your support and wish me success & good weathers.

Yours Sincerely,
adrian neo
(This is a computer generated letter. No signature required.)

P/S: I will try to squeeze in an entry or two, if I have chance to step in our branch office there, and if time permits.

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

i am singaporean. (own version)

My mother tongue was Mandarin, I didn't speak a word of English till I was in primary one. Now, I read and write only English stuffs and can't write a decent sentence in Mandarin. I try to speak good English, but I hate ang mo accent. I never did understand why I can't buy chewing gum.I take the MRT, when I can squeeze in. I'm told to study hard all my life for a better future, now I feel I should have played more. Everyone says study Poly good to find job, but after Poly still the same.

I can also speak Singlish, along with street Hokkien and rusty Cantonese with pride because it is uniquely Singapore. And because some older folks can only understand their dialects.

I went to a primary school with a big school bag. Throughout my 6 years of primary education, there would be 2 huge photographs of our president and his wife on top of the black board of the classroom.

My results were average and I went to a local secondary school and then proceeded to a polytechnic. I never could distinguish between "neighbourhood schools" and the 'non-neighboourhood schools' cos all schools are located in neighbourhoods. The only thing that I can make sense of is that they are just politically correct terms for good and bad schools. Implying that I went to bad schools.

I whined a lot during NS; but I never "gian" ok. I hate reservist, but I never defer. I'm a solider, but I have never fought in a war. I do not smoke, but even if I do, there are not many places where I can. I love my flag, although I seldom see it around.

I survived my PSLE, O levels, graduated with a diploma in business computing and planning to further my studies after my national service.

I am a true blue Singaporean, born and brought up with kopitiams, SBC/TCS chinese drama serials, HDB flats and the Singlish language. Tranportation fare increments are known as fare revision. Casinos are known as Integrated Resorts, a strong mandate is 66.6%, and a peanut here is worth $600,000.

I have 2 names; Chinese name and English name.

I am Adrian Neo.

I am a Singaporean.

So say we all.

So say we all.

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

i am singaporean.

(The meme that started here and is tagged on Technorati as iamsingaporean)

I am Singaporean because nabei and in the name of nonok I curse and swear like one. Because of racial integration policies at the grassroots level I know the names of female and male genitalia in all the official languages, and then some dialects too.

When I fall asleep on the bus I know when to wake up for my stop, the moment the bus meanders round the highway near the flats I have stayed in since I was born. Even with my iPod plugged firmly into my ears I know the order of MRT stations on most lines: Jurong Clementi Dover Buona Vista.

I find myself asleep on an Indian train, and in that teeming humanity of summer in the hottest bits of Uttar Pradesh, all I can think of is… I want to eat creamy butter crabs from Ang Mo Kio. And I make a $5 ISD call home to tell my mother to book us a table at the kopitiam for the day I come home (the next month).

I struggle to find the right clothes to wear: if they are too thin, I freeze in my classrooms, my buses, trains and shopping malls. A little thicker, and the oppressive humidity is too much to handle, even though I have lived in it all my life. For this reason I take to cold and heat equally.

I stopped singing the national anthem and raising my hands to the pledge when I was 13. I am Singaporean, so my Singaporean-ness refuses to let me lie without shame. I have never felt as much for this country, to be honest, as I have when I used to go to the Malaysia Cup finals, as a kid, at the National Stadium, wearing a Singapore Die Hard Fan jersey which was a few sizes too big for me. Abbas Saad would score and nobody cared that he wasn't Singaporean, only that we were going to win.

I am Singaporean because I carry toilet paper with me everywhere, especially to Malaysia and to India. I still cannot bring myself to litter even though I know these governments don't give a damn.

When the cashier at Watson's says buy 10 get 1 free, I actually have to pause to think: what are the additional 8 items I could buy?

I live in a 5 room HDB flat in an estate 5 minutes from where both my parents work, went to two mission schools and one posh girls' school, speak two official languages and several dialects, have PSLE, O Levels, A Levels, no NS, have 20% of all the money I've ever earned put away involuntarily until I'm 55, and constantly think about what will happen when I graduate and join the workforce. Even though what I'm thinking about my career prospects is possibly a little different from most.

I run away from this country so frequently because it costs as much for me to exist here, as it does for me to fly to, sleep, eat, and do exactly the same things I do, in a foreign land. This is not very different from my neighbours driving in to Malaysia to save a few pennies here and there, and to eat a feast.

I used to write about politics on the Internet but not anymore.

I speak English, dream in English, write in English, but wake up in the morning either mumbling 5 more minutes in my mother tongue (Diojiu), or telling my lover the time in her own language without realizing I could speak it.

I am Singaporean because like Xiao Li in all our primary school textbooks, my friends are people like Gopal, Fatimah and David. I have had precisely one great love from each of the main races, except my own.

I shout in coffeeshops for my drinks - teh O peng jit puay, have bak chor mee keh hiam for breakfast, nasi, ayam, sambal goreng and veggie don't want tau geh for lunch and snack on aloo chaat with masala tea or lassi all day. One of my best friends helpfully suggests that I name my son Sanjay Tan Chun Xiong, and it isn't as far-fetched as she intended it to be.

I am Singaporean. I think. We are a country of immigrants and I may just become one myself.

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Friday, July 07, 2006


MSN should not have the nudge installed in the messenger.
It juz makes everyone's life miserable. Can someone remove it?


LIM PEI JUN aka *peijun
STOP FLOODING ME. You are on my blacklist le. If not pls refer to the above picture.

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

Saturday, July 01, 2006


After a long time I am back to blog.
Sorry peepz for not updating this blog for a long time. You cannot blame me mah.
Onli have the weekends to update you and my HDD crashed so have to buy a new one.
All this take time. Once again I am sorry. I try to update every weekend okie?

adventure: the pursuit of life.
water. beach. sea. sentosa. kayaking. dragon-boat. handball.

hear me speak.
links. / archives. / song lyrics.
the tall one.
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